Monday, April 13, 2009

Misty Mundae Hradcore


A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, PMUS, is a set of actions aimed at implementing more sustainable forms of movement (walking, cycling and public transport) within a city, ie modes Transport to make compatible economic growth, social cohesion social and environmental protection, ensuring in this way, a better quality of life for citizens.
For Getafe (town near Madrid), the main objective of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan is to achieve a new balance in the means of transportation on a basis of sustainability and improving the quality of urban life. For this, the plan analyzes all aspects related to mobility of residents and users of the city and proposes interventions at different levels:

Traffic and accessibility

• The control and routeing
• Improving distribution of goods, including new policies for loading and unloading
• Improving accessibility for disabled
• The incorporation of more sustainable approaches to mobility in the new areas of Getafe
• The implementation of management plans aimed at improving mobility to schools and work

• The protection and improvement of public transport as the main component of urban mobility and long distance
• reduction of pollutants and energy savings in the transport field
• Promotion of cycling
Urban Spaces

• The management and management of parking areas
• The recovery of pedestrian spaces and the creation of preferred routes for pedestrians and cyclists
Improves network of parking for residents and a deterrent
Features a PMUS

• Act locally or metropolitan;
• Guarantee accessibility and mobility needs
• cover all modes of transport people and goods;
• They are linked to plans and strategies, regional and national
• They should reduce the negative impacts of transport;
• Addressing the increasing traffic volumes and congestion;
• Changing the modal split in favor of cleaner, more efficient ways;
• Urban planning for accessibility and mobility generated by the different centers and activity areas.
The above points is the PMUS Getafe help us identify whether the basis for what the Mayor proposes to do in Cali on the issue of mobility (MIO, peatonaliación of roads, construction of the Bicentennial) are consistent with this plan can be considered one of the megatrends that are being promoted in the world in terms of mobility.
REFERENCE / Nueva_carpeta / PMU% 20Santander.pdf


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