Monday, April 20, 2009

Ideas Band Initiation

The future challenges for urban mobility

The development of traffic and transport developments reflect the social, economic and technical in our cities that are influenced by ten mega trends:
1. The population in our cities is growing continuously, both for demographic reasons and because of the continuing rural exodus to the cities.
2. Cities are centers of economic growth and, therefore, also of individual welfare. This leads to a continuous differentiation of lifestyles and the demands of mobility.
3. A growing individualisation of urban society and as a result, a growing number of small households means more traffic.
4. The progressive orientation towards speed by men means a huge demand for mobility services by land and air, by rail and water.
5. The increase in prices for solar and rentals in the centers of urban areas results in a disproportionate increase swim housing rents. This phenomenon makes the lower strata and the middle class of people and families with children abandoned donate centers and permanently increase the flow of mobile workers.
6. Cities are becoming increasingly metropolitan areas where in-creased the distance between residential, work and leisure.
7. Increased flexibility of workers ("modern nomad") as mobility also makes people move from one city to another to get to work and return to your home.
8. New ways of shopping with a car, especially in large shopping centers and the frequency of leisure facilities located on the outskirts of cities, generate new streams of traffic.
9. The growth of electronic commerce, Internet use and other forms of shopping culture via media, such as meal delivery services, leading to a growing traffic concerns the provision individualized.
10. Supplies of goods and services "just when "generate an increment of transporting goods and people in our cities.
As a result of these mega trends, more and more people moving more and faster and faster. It provides more and more goods "just in time" more and more destinations. The explosion causes transport services worldwide increased consumption of resources, growing environmental damage and global warming. The reverse , the structures of political, legal barriers, lack of financial resources and a deficient awareness of the population prevent the necessary changes to bring increased mobility in our cities on a basis which is com-patible with the social, health, safety, ecology and an efficient economy.
According to the above, we can now measure the importance of urban mobility in the world, so that the issues involved in this issue can not be ignored at this point in the history of Cali, where we could be an edge alm important and far-reaching transformation.


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