Wednesday, July 22, 2009

7 Month With A Dry Cough And Not Eating

Parliament and signed agreement between FAVT DISMIFÍSICS

To date the FAVT DISMIFÍSICS and the Association have signed an agreement to collaborate on which is attached the main features of the agreement. Photo taken at the time of signing.

PROTOCOL performances FAVT (Federation of Neighbourhood Associations of BALCONY) AND DISMIFÍSICS (Terrassa physically ASSOCIATES)
===================== ================================== INTRODUCTION

Accessibility is the possibility for an individual, with or without mobility problems or sensory perception, to understand a space, integrated into it and communicate with their contents. Also defined as the characteristic of the medium, which allows all people access, use and enjoyment, using a standardized, secure and efficient. Accessibility implies
integral in building accessibility, planning, transport, communication and services. It is a basic right that guarantees non-discrimination on grounds of age, disability or functional characteristics and is a prerequisite for social participation and economic equality of opportunity. For their achievement required legislative developments, technical, economic, market, planning, design, implementation, rehabilitation, training and awareness. PREAMBLE

Terrassa is today a city of 210,000 inhabitants, so far without a comprehensive accessibility plan. It is possibly one of the few cities of over 200,000 inhabitants compliant, adapting to the new work rules without accessible city project, without global intervention efforts throughout the city especially in cities built. It is therefore a city that strives to maintain indefinitely its historical deficit in relation to the policies of accessibility, despite recreating a second pact of mobility in the city and create a special commission to do so, with the participation of the most representative associations of the city.
flows movement in the city's road network are increasingly severe. We are facing an increasingly mobile, diverse and complex: the different means of transportation, and living room, over-use of public streets for the use of private car parking, business operations and distribution of goods. The lack of affirmative action for people of any other circumstance mobility requires joint efforts to resolve the
dysfunction of the different elements that cause and seeking the best possible harmonization of public spaces and free competition. We
disseminate and promote the concept of "Sustainable Mobility" beyond the environment by taking as indicators of urban sustainability for the disabled and children. We propose to establish a new hierarchy in the use of the city where the pedestrian is the star, followed by non-motorized transport and public transport and, ultimately, the private vehicle.
Solving the problems of accessibility and mobility of people we consider key to get to Terrassa considered as accessible and sustainable city with real targets for improvement of quality of life for its citizens. That is why the Federation of Neighborhood Associations and Dismifisics join its influence among the different groups in the city and adopting a framework of objectives that serve to channel the necessary measures to solve the problems created by the growth and diversity of mobility , without compromising the quality of life of citizens, especially those with reduced mobility or disability.
In this sense, the two entities join forces and resources assumed to work together on the basis of the following agreements:


Dismifisics The FAVT and social consensus on the importance of defending a city model that has as its priority the elimination of architectural barriers and the development and adaptation of a Comprehensive Plan for Accessibility, decide to join efforts and resources to work together on the basis of the following agreements:

FIRST: FAVT and Dismifisics
The principle of its agreements recognize that the City should be for all citizens, UNDERSTANDING CITIZEN AS THE POLITICAL DIMENSION OF HUMAN regardless of age or physical condition or psychological and that, therefore, requires removing barriers that limit the accessibility of various social groups especially the weak, disabled persons, elderly and children, in every urban space, public transportation, living space or space of free competition.

Both organizations are committed to promoting standards and participation of disabled persons in any of the participatory and consultative bodies that exist in the city of Terrassa. Assuming reciprocal representation from both entities to third parties on those issues that have to do with the protection of disabled persons

Accessibility Promote a Comprehensive Plan in the city of Terrassa together various local initiatives and partnerships aimed at all residents / citizens to raise awareness of the need to change habits and behaviors that benefit the disabled, dependents and / or reduced mobility. WITHIN THIS IS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF ACCESSIBILITY support all kinds of awareness raising activities, conferences, seminars, TALKS, CAMPAIGNS BELOW ABOUT, SO THAT THE

Promote activities that support the implementation of specific interventions aimed at the development rights of dependents, especially with regard to educational processes and to promote personal autonomy.

Design and implement awareness campaigns aimed at society in general, aimed at promoting awareness of the problematic situations which people live and disabled dependents in order to break down prejudices and distorted views on themselves. Specific objectives

We want the end result of the implementation of the Accessibility Plan was displayed for 2015, resulting in the city of Terrassa is totally accessible, making it essential to define clearly the results deseables in the ámbitos from different performances, IN SHORT, HE STOPS IN THE TREATMENT OF THE achievement Accessibility for all of which INDICATES FOR THE DISABLED The possibility of A FULL PARTICIPATION IN THE COURSE ORDINARIO of social life.

In Terrace 22 July 2009