Monday, February 7, 2011

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Is for a new dotcom bubble burst?

The year began with the news that the social network Facebook was valued at 50 billion dollars, a figure that did coin in very little time and some analysts warning the lights to the likelihood that the world is facing a new dotcom bubble companies.

In early January, the investment bank Goldman Sachs and Digital Sky Technologies Russian company injected $ 500 million in the company led by Mark Zuckerberg and the company was valued at 50 billion dollars. With the Facebook investment value exceeds the media conglomerate Time Warner and Internet companies like eBay and Yahoo. But just a year ago, Facebook was valued at 23 billion dollars.

The investment news came just days after Facebook was named as the most popular in the U.S. in 2010, and the leadership of dethroning Google. However, megabuscador Internet continues to gain on another site, its valuation amounts to 192 billion dollars.

The network began the year in accordance with the investment bank Goldman Sachs but his goal is to reach the 500 shareholders in 2011, a figure that allows you to make your entry into the so-called Mecca of capitalism. " According to current U.S. standards, if private actions of a company are held by more than 500 holders of record, you are required this company registered with the SEC, publicly declassified reports and trading on the New York Stock Exchange.

But the Net is not all good news, social networking site MySpace announced its decision to lay off about 500 employees, halving its workforce, and industry experts say it is adjustment connected with the strong success of Facebook. "These tough but necessary changes were taken to give the company a clear path for sustained growth and profitability," said executive director Mikes Jones, after the announcement.

The move came the early days January, three months after MySpace, owned by News Corp, was relaunched as a site of entertainment, thus raising the white flag Facebook.

apparently fears of a bursting bubble are not unfounded. Jeff Clavier, SoftTech Venture Capital partner, known as the angel of many startups in Silicon Valley, says that by next year "there will be no big bang, as we saw at the beginning of the century but" we see blood and tears " among many technology companies that will not get hold.

late nineties lived internet his first major crisis, which became known as dot-com crisis, paradigmatic cases of companies that launched a million-dollar bid battle for technology companies with little profit and had to round off the collapse of the system and the bubble burst technology. At that time, all sorts of companies related to the world of internet and technology are revalued so fleeting, the result of speculation, until one day, suddenly, the bubble burst.

Many say that the dotcom bubble should have taught not to overestimate the importance of technology and business models based on the sudden growth and speculative, but in recent times seems to happen a worrying parallel with this phenomenon and daily operations are called millions of companies anchored in the social internet.

Background. The euphoria and the dot-com fever reached its peak with the maxima of the New York Stock Exchange on March 10, 2000. The Nasdaq Composite's benchmark single-state technology market, rose above 5,000 points and the companies that made up huge ratings reached hundreds of billions of dollars.

Between September 1998 and March 2000, the action set this market jumped 240% in an episode of generating unprecedented expectations. After the bursting of that bubble, the markets bottomed in October 2002 after a cumulative decline of 77% for the Nasdaq.

were the days when companies were valued based on the web views of their sites and in which names like AOL (Steve Case), the leading Internet provider in the United States at the time, came closing the biggest merger in history with Time Warner, valued at 124,000 million dollars, precisely, through an exchange of shares. The union set the time AOL Time height of the dotcom. But before you give such operation, AOL signed another chapter in the sector with the purchase of the Netscape browser in 1998, over 4,000 million dollars.

was precisely that brand which he played the first throes of the fever. Netscape embodied the first throes of the speculative fever with technology companies. In 1995, founded by Marc Andreessen browser (Mosaic) began trading on Wall Street. Its shares are multiplied by 10 the first day.

AUTHOR: Rosario

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