Thus pursues never better!, the society's attention is fixed on the problem of the Catalan language as opposed to Valencia in the alleged assault that Valencian Country receives from Catalunya, fueling hatred, fear and complex inferior part of the Valencia. It is clear that Valencian PP known fish in troubled waters, stir and exacerbate know that feeling Cantonalist, provincial and victimization of some people of Valencia (unfortunately enough of them ...).
studied and practiced a strategy accurately used to divert the wrath of media and citizens of the legal problems of much of the popular party. And while removing half of high quality communication, making information free, you have very good programs that make this grim pale monstrosity called Canal9.
the background blurs the warmth and the cowardice of the PSOE, unable to make an audiovisual law to respect freedom of choice of citizenship and avoid the concentration of media in the hands of the right media edge-fascist and undemocratic. Unable to put in place the PP in this field, looking away and turning a deaf ear to requests cosntitucional restore order and defend freedom of expression País Valencià.
not know how to end this incredible story of tyranny that the PP has been practicing on Cultural Acció PV. In the end, under the weight of € 600,000 in fines and the threat of another 100,000 every month if not closed and relays, has had to give up.
But it is far from the last word. The Valencia can not should not and we do not allow ourselves be overwhelmed by this latest outrage of the PP abusive. At stake is the freedom, but above all dignity.
A party government and a corrupt, riddled with gangrene can not an entire people!
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