I pedaling. .. Valencia
passion and empathy, coupled with the curiosity and interest in the world of urban bike, as well as environmental sustainability, has become its own right to
I Love Bikes , blog Pablo León, Pilar Alvarez, a benchmark in the debate and information on two wheels.
I had the great honor (and responsibility!) Opened a new section to be called "I pedaling ...", an interview about my experience of urban cycling in Valencia. Many thanks to Paul Leon for me made this unique gift!
I pedaling ... Valencia By: Pablo León
League with the bike, going to work on it and it shows whenever he can to claim its use. Grezzi Giuseppe's Italian has spent nearly 11 years Valencia and from the first day he came to town with the pedals began. Demonstrations for more bike lanes on major avenues, the city has 130 kilometers of bike lanes, cyclists and attacks by a couple have chonis bicyclic turned into a hot topic. Giuseppe lived in Bologna and New York and believes that in Valencia, where he made just under 1 percent of daily trips by bike, there is growing cycles but still rules the culture of "every man for himself
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