What are the specific benefits of the Internet presence? Do you need new customers, more customers or improve existing ones? How to achieve customer-web in a market so much competition and changes?
The key to making the same concerns of a more appropriate way can be found by asking yourself these other questions:
• Do I need new customers, more customers or improve existing ones?
• How do customers get today?
• How do customers find me?
• What is the real benefit that customers get for my business?
• What I can take advantage of the Internet virtual reality to improve my business?
Tailored to each business
If you have a supermarket or a pharmacy, their natural clients are near their community and you should already be spending money on promotional media available to them. People go and buy into your business without having to consult the web. Then why do you need a website?
One answer might be to have a website so that 5 or 10 thousand families in your community learn more comfortably and well in advance of their tenders, without having to go to your shop or having to take a flyer up your door. Thus begin the construction of a sustainable community and loyal customers ... And do not worry about those without ni computadora ni conexión a Internet que eso es sólo por ahora y está cambiando muy rápidamente.
Si su principal publicidad es la de boca-a-boca y sus clientes normalmente llegan hasta usted por la referencia de un cliente previo, lo mejor es que su página web sea una especie de portafolio de servicios y productos. Este enfoque es igualmente válido para aquellas empresas cuyos clientes normalmente necesitan consultar su folleto de presentación o catálogo de productos para tomar una decisión de compra o contrato.
Promoción no implica automáticamente transacciones
No estamos diciendo que la gente va a comprarle a through Internet, but has the option to increase the knowledge and references about you through its website, so your strategy is the same you have with your print advertising, but online you have the advantages of a space virtually without limits, where expose all the selling points has always wanted to say, but perhaps not had sufficient resources at their disposal.
From another perspective, if you have a business to which not even need to print, you probably do not need a website. Even if its service capacity and production has collapsed, probably not needed. A e-mail would be enough to "get the juice" Internet ...
If your business is consumer (or massive), and is based on care and customer service, a website is an excellent tool to provide answered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This can be a literal promise (so that your customers interact with you until dawn), or may be the focus for your website to function as a virtual mailbox of interaction. And in both cases, there is no doubt that the website adds value to your service.
also applies to a company plan to have a website with the sole purpose of protecting the rights and value of your brand. This raises again the question is not whether it is or is not online, but what it really is.
information as a service
case of our potential customer is an organization that should be very small (by definition), but needs to provide the greatest volume of information confirming the transparency of its management, recommend to envision your website as a comprehensive public relations office, which is never arise if they had to implement physically.
Power give additional attention to customers from the website, is to open a permanent gate information, which serves the users, beyond the conventional parameters of time, especially useful for companies with limited staff.
Author: Juan Carlos Jiménez
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Source: http://www.internetips.com/articulos/detalle.php?iid=24
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