A question a little ambiguous, but the truth is that there are many groups who need to use a dedicated server. In fact, we could say that we are all users of dedicated servers. At least as clients. Who has ever used an ATM or credit card?, But ... we are more specific.
- Do you have a company .... with a computer network where they share information and use a centralized software?
then you most likely need a dedicated server
- Do you have a network of friends who like to play a game online?
If you are many will need a dedicated server.
- Do you have a Web Hosting Business ?
Read the full article here.
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dedicated hosting service
A dedicated server is purchased or leased a computer that is used to provide dedicated services, generally related to hosting and other network services. Unlike the case with shared hosting, where machine resources are shared among an undetermined number of customers, for dedicated server is usually a single client that has all the resources of the machine for the purpose for which it has contracted the service.
read this article in: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Servidor_dedicado
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