The railway has a future.
Yes, a future, but to introduce substantial changes. Overcoming the infamous dogma of transport was 'symbolic', the speed of vertigo. I refer of course to the AVE, which has spent 12,000 million euros, more than 6000 only the Madrid-Valencia.
AVE is true that we can reach in less than 90 minutes to Madrid, but in Oliva, Denia, Vinaros not be reached by train, and Lliria, Alzira, etc. using the same time ...
These years has prompted the construction spree, without rhyme or reason, thousands of km of roads, markets the PEIT (Transport Infrastructure Plan) that has poured billions of euros, to plague the territory of miles of paved roads. Successive drafts and ruinous expansion of lanes (Xirivella Bridge, Highway Barcelona), splitting of existing roads or building more highways (A31 towards Alicante, the A7 towards Castellón, the Wall-Alcoi, the CV50, etc ...), construction of roundabouts Pharaonic
etc ... So there you go "Towards ecological conversion transport in Spain is ," citing the fundamental work the beloved Antonio Estevan, 1996. What we see is highly topical, and pointed out that everything is still valid and more necessary in the year 2011. Because, I want to make clear, in this respect one another, PP and PSOE have demonstrated an extraordinary consensus (more than differences and anger role-play for purely spiteful and partisan electoral purposes ...).
investments have been privileged on roads and at high speed. Very expensive and consumers of energy resources. Causing us to have some of the worst rail transport in Spain and throughout Europe. That means massive use of the car, causing large emissions of CO2, which we know causes climate change and poor air quality we breathe.
all and have missed the boom years, with much waste of money, there is room to reverse the direction of travel. So Compromís railway investment in a quality that puts:
- transport and nearby proximity meters in urban and metropolitan areas, where there are hundreds of thousands of commuters, many workers. ( It is incredible that in the burial of the tracks at North Station, AVE travelers arrive at the first floor, while those who use the train every day have to rise 4-5 floors to get to the surface. The train will arrive before Massanassa-10 minutes - to leave the station ... )
- fundamental transport, because it provides benefits in terms of quality of life, improving efficiency, saving money and energy, avoiding emissions of thousands of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere;
- that compliance with the Commuter Plan approved a year ago in Les Corts which is in a drawer, in a limbo from which we rescued,
- to finally build or improve lines:
• Gandia-Oliva, Denia, (a historical demand, provided desantedida)
• De Benicassim Castellón north- Benicarló-Vinarós,
• The Xátiva-Alcoy, Ontinyent passing through (with a grim and often poor condition),
• The Ribbarroja i train at Camp de Turia (which was to open in 2008 and that Today there is no record of it)
• A plan that allows close capillary connecting two populations of metropolitan areas of cities without passing through the center (Paiporta example, to go to l'Horta Nord, etc ...).
claim the transfer of the commuter network that apparently neither the PSOE nor PP want. Why? Perhaps because some do not want to give a share of power and others would lose a section to be able to complain, as they love ...
work to promote and improve the Metro, to increase the frequency of passage, safety of travelers to avoid loss of human lives in the tragic accident of July 3, 2006. At this point an aside: it is so cheeky and good offense against these people, living a nightmare if couple, who are being humiliated and offended.
Enough! As govern one of the first acts will receive them as they deserve, and change the infamy that has meant to remove the name of Jesus from the station fatal accident.
As we show our strong opposition to the privatization of management that is emerging in the case of T2 or Alacant Tram, which takes quite some construction delays (with the ironic note that and the PP has done nothing fictitious or organized tours opening groundwater). We want to make a detailed study of the meshing of the subway lines, to act on what knots or intersections operating cap in order to increase the frequency of passage. And buy new trains!
freight transport, is now handled by 91% on wheels, is one of our priorities.
once and for all that is approved and get funding for the Mediterranean corridor, a necessary and fundamental work to increase the percentage of goods transported by train. Finally set up the call intermodality, but really and consistent with the approach of sustainable mobility. Compromís promote the so-called bike-train, so they can carry bikes on all trains, for daily use or for the cyclist tourism is booming.
21 In this century it is true that have shrunk large, however paradoxically longer have the short distance. If they are not isolated.
is time to change that equation, for the Century 21 is the quality Railway, transport by pure logic that is central to improving our quality of life, to reduce our environmental footprint, become more efficient which means more rich, in order to devote the money saved by avoiding absurd burning gasoline cars to investment projects more durable and sustainable.
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