My dear, dear friend,
As you know, Compromís per València aims to contribute to political change in our city to make it a human city, living space, close to its citizens . We think it is possible and necessary to make a planning people serving to retain our heritage. We believe there are solutions to environmental problems and promoting the mobility public transport and collective mobility .
understand the need for a public network nursery schools where families can take children under 3 years without financial cost to them that many can not endure. This will also ensure more and better reconciliation of work and family life and favor real equality men and women. Because we love Valencia and we can exert rightful capital based on their roots his language and culture propelling forward. We like a cozy city , to care for their elderly, which is more difficult to live every day in their city, the most disadvantaged.
per València Compromís agrees with people like you. Our commitment is not to big banks, and large enterprise or tycoons who use this city as if the yard of her home. Because we love this city not want it to be a city envied but a city admired.
So because there are people like you who seeks the happiness of every day and wants to work for that change is possible, thank you for your commitment and we want to use. need a good group of people together to make this project grow and recover Valencia shared for people who live there. So we can send an email to voluntaris@joanribo.com : myself and other members of our bid, we will contact you shortly to better understand how we can work together .
Any help is useful, since the availability of a few minutes to read mails or forward to the possibility of attending to assist physically or in an activity. We would also like to know if you can help through knowledge or skills that complement the work of people who daily work in Compromís per València.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation. you soon. Joan Ribó
Mayoral Candidate for Compromís per València
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