The Collective Anti-Corruption has been called for Saturday March 26 a new mobilization to demand that the President Camps and Consellers involved in flagrant cases of corruption no longer impede the course of justice leave public life and in his case be tried and convicted.
situation is extremely serious: a long time the governing party, known as the Rotten Party, led by the cynical Opaque Camps, has crossed the limits of decency. We need a strong and democratic civil society response to slow drift Berlusconi in which these irresponsible corrupt want to drag the País Valencià.
The call for the demonstration makes clear the context and the reasons why it is necessary to mobilize. See you Saturday!! Company
i companys d'utopia: ACO
passa a ca nostra, no tea or Forrellat trellat. In Qualsevol indret civilitzat the planet, tots malgovernen as those that would be in jail: corruption, speculation, censorship, manipulation, waste, humiliation language and culture, accidents, demolition, events, fascism, boastful, illegal funding, lies, violence, etc. ... It is good thing or what?
Since the Greeks were removed from the sleeve of democracy, this has been distorted. Where is the power of the people? If indeed this was democracy, but we feel obliged to hate those who will collectively majority has chosen to simply accept it and nothing else. So why not? Supposedly the politicians are just politicians, because moving the motivation to create a better system for those who represent them. When he left politics as a vocation to become a profession? If, moreover, a political transgresses its commitments to its people for a profit, because there to explode. And if this policy is the president ... us and we prick blood draws!
accepted it, we are saturated. Noncombustible If we were, there would be all weekend expressing ourselves, but we are not. The weekend should use our own pleasure, but let us blood, sweat and tears al carrer. Però la realitat és què hi ha tan de desgavell... D’ací a no res, ens trobarem amb la “democràcia” a les urnes i el Molt Honorable tornarà a ser candidat. Tornem a eixir al carrer, és nostra darrera oportunitat, és ara o mai, reviscolem la democràcia, recuperem l’origen d’aquesta, posem el nostre granet de sorra per canviar la realitat, siguem actors partícips d’aquest canvi.
Per la llibertat d'expressió, contra Camps, contra el totalitarisme, per la cultura, per la llengua, contra la estupidesa, contra la censura, contra la corrupció, per TV3... PER GOKU!
Manifestació NO VOLEM UN LLADRE DE PRESIDENT - Dissabte, 26 març, 2011 (18h. Plaça de Sant Agustí de València).
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