is an act without precedent in our democratic history. But Camps may be sure that coercion and persecution will not stop the right of demanding cleaning Valencian institutions. Get the opposite effect, pushing down Valencia Street massively to immediately asked to leave the institutions that are stained with their presence.
This report is an outrage to the height of the decay of the PP, to thwart and prosecute citizens free to speak out against corruption. It is unacceptable to attempt to pursue, coerce amendrentar the Valencian society, with a crude and desperate complaint against freedom of expression. That instead of stopping the demonstration against Corruption is to certify only the fear and Francisco Camps nerves that citizens express their will massively firm immediately abandon the democratic institutions of the Valencian.
All sympathy to the members of Col.lectiu Against Corruption: I also blame themselves for having been publicized and have promoted the rally against corruption, because it is a unanimous chorus of Valencia and the Valencian "No one Volem Lladre President. "
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