A project that has benefited from the fire, which destroyed 2500 hectares of forest, burned once paved the way for the installation of the towers and power lines. That has led the protests of many social groups and environmentalists, including the active Ecologist l'Arrel Colla. They do not understand how you can authorize a project of this kind in a mountain burned to the ground, with the suspicious coincidence between that fact and approval to the project a few months later. From this it wants giving a complete account Monica Frassoni, to make the necessary consultations with the European Commission.
On the morning of Saturday 12 March, the European Green Party spokesperson, will participate in a conference on the New Social Commitment Verde (Green New Deal ), the proposed ecological and social transformation of the economy promoted by the green Europe. And surely try the perspectives has illuminated the Equo Project sponsored by among others Juan Lopez de Uralde and, to create a new Green Party of the English state, with a view to participate in mainstream lessons of 2012. The appointment is 12pm in October Contemporary Culture Centre, close to central market of Valencia. With the presence of the spokesperson d'Els VerdsEE Carles Arnal, the Green candidate Juan Ponce Compromís and presentation of Mónica Oltra .

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