Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Men Flashing Women Vids

business 10 Tips to launch an Internet project


Finally, mobility came to the company. According to IDC, in 2013, more than 1,190 million employees worldwide will use mobile technology, 34.9% of the population. The impact of business mobility is clear. It is expected, with increasing frequency, workers of a company to manage critical tasks and make decisions in real time, regardless of location.

In that sense, this year the tablets have an important role in the corporate world. In fact, they are launching many new devices. During the last half of 2010, Samsung showed the Galaxy, HP its SLATE and its proposal for Blackberry RIM Playbook. Rumor on improvements to Apple's iPad and, of course, no one expects Microsoft to remain with folded arms.

For all this, it is expected that 2011 be a year dominated by the tablets. And, indeed, the first advances were seen in the new edition of CES. Going a little further in time. Forrester predicts that for his part in May 2015, one in five PCs sold will be a tablet.

However, in this revolution, perhaps the greatest impact on society is in the mobile sales force from corporations. The consumer world left the company and converge in many ways. Now, consumer technology appears in the workplace and the line between personal and gadgets the company is rapidly disappearing. All are part of one connected mobile world.

In the near future, employees will perform their expense reports on their way home from smart phones, while the chief executive officers (CEOs) will be capable of leading multinational companies from a virtual room designed in tablet, regardless of whether they are in a café or a business trip or leisure.

Oliver Bussmann, CIO of SAP (@ sapcio) is optimistic about the benefits of a mobile workforce. Following the acquisition of Sybase, last May, SAP has established itself as a leader in the transformation of critical business processes for mobile applications. Bussmann oversees the IT infrastructure of a company of U.S. $ s 15,000 and more than 47,000 employees, of which a lot test their favorite gadgets in the workplace.

With the acquisition of Sybase, a former partner of innovation with SAP had worked previously, now the company offers, along with its active business ecosystem, a range of mobile applications and the underlying infrastructure that provides integration with SAP systems and secure access to business processes at any time from any location and through any device.

We are immersed in a digital age that also requires mobility in all areas of life. Have basic technology consists of a physical laptop or working in a geographically established is no longer sufficient. The companies note the importance of investing in technology, to take decisions anywhere based on information in real time. It is not just ROI, but a necessity.

So in these times is imprecindible for companies to have these devices and be able to help them at any moment in time accelerating our work, and you can visit web pages from them, wherever you are. ;

Those organizations that are not along the path of mobility, most likely not be kept in a market as competitive as we face, not only in the IT industry, but in the corporate world in general.

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Source: http://www.ebizlatam.com/news/118/ARTICLE/12925/2011-01-06.html

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ap Biology Lab 6 Answer

2010: The Year of the maturity of social networks

Dj Edgerton, president and cofounder of digital innovation agency Zemoga is a great web entrepreneur, and shares, through Enter.co their 10 tips for successful web project .

1. Define a strategy clear.
A successful online business begins with a foundation to illustrate and define clear goals for success. It is at this point that project managers make the most difficult questions and we identify both the risks and opportunities. It is more efficient to eliminate the risks and take advantage of opportunities at the stage of strategy, because once built and launched the site too late and expensive. The paper is cheap, while the code is expensive.

2. Meet users.

Often companies think they know exactly what the user wants and needs without asking. This is an effect of being very close to the task at hand, which reduces the ability to be objective. Take the time to conduct independent interviews and evaluations outside the office environment. Use simple techniques such as the definition of use cases that allow us understand what users really want from a product or service. What are you offering them added value to them so that they appear motivated to return? If they provide information that they protect and that you value greatly, how the reward?

3. Less is more.

all want to give more to our users: More functionality, more products, more luxuries, ornaments and washers. The problem is that the more we give our users more confused. When we develop a digital property, it is imperative to critically think about everything that will be included. The simpler and cleaner the product, the more successful in the task of helping people achieve their goals and comply with their strategy.

4. Seek support.

The site should be built to suit the means most used by users to consult. The sailors not only use browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer, but smart phones, tablets, computers and mini-notebook.

5. Use science.

To ensure that your site is designed with an excellent design, you should use tools such as the Tobii Eyetracker. This shows them the designers of web pages the exact location of the eyes of users as well as the order of the time look and look, even in split seconds.

6. That users have a voice.

must allow users to make comments and establish a community through forums and motivate them to participate through various incentives. Moreover, it must integrate with social networking site, for visitors indicate that they like ('Like') or share it via your Facebook profile or Twitter.

7. Offer today.

The lack of coupling is often the most difficult obstacle to overcome. Users get bored fast and there are a ton of content out there that takes them away from your site. To ensure success, make sure that what is new and currently offers, both in design and content. A user will give you about 2 minutes to make a first impression valuable. If it is not attracted to compelling content that is easy to use and pleasing to the eye, you are doomed to failure.

8. Measure it all. Manage

site or web page no reports of measurements is like having a big company without a counter . It would be difficult to know how much you have, when they entered and where it went. A ideal recipe for disaster. Reports with details such as number of visits, conversions (visitor performs an action that you want to), shock and views, among others, provide information about the behavior of individuals and the strategies needed to improve the business.

9. Optimize your search.

Create a stylish website becomes a bad investment if the audience it is aimed at search engines can not find or can not navigate when found. This is accomplished through search engine optimization (SEO), blogs, listed in directories, social networks, blogs, press releases and other references that make it an expert in their field.

10. Get good partners. Interview

partners as you would with a potential spouse. Make sure they have excellent products to offer and the best methodologies, check references and be open to collaborate.

Author: Ivan Luzardo to Enter.co

Source: http://www.negociosyemprendimiento.org/2011/01/consejos-para-un-proyecto-en-internet.html

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Islamic Message From The Bride

Are they really useful for our business social networks online?

Leisure gives way to the professionalization of Social Media

between companies is consolidated figure of the 'community manager'

Experts say that networks are "not a fashion" and "are here to stay"

Facebook, Twitter , Tuenti , LinkedIn, Hi5 ... Life no longer be imagined without the existence of the well-known and ubiquitous networks. There are few people who do not surf the thousands of groups, the millions of endless tweets or walls, every second, bring reality to the virtual world. However, the networks, like everything else, also grow older. During this year, have seen its true consolidation beyond pure entertainment. Companies have realized the immense potential and are betting, each in its measure, its inclusion in the world of web . Thus the figure of 'community manager' has been built, little by little, like a new professional in what experts already qualify as "new trend" and not a mere fad.

Internet has revolutionized the way people relate and communicate. This fact is obvious and undeniable to anyone who is part of the new reality. So much so that Time magazine has proclaimed Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder figure of 2010 for "creating a new system for exchanging information and for changing how we live our lives."
However, the way in which society adapts to changing times change, sometimes at a rapid pace.
mid 90's, social networks made their appearance. Thereafter, the web design universe was transformed what had been known as Web 1.0 goes one step further. Linear communication led to a real interaction more directly and instantly.

However, the real boom social networks did not come until 2004 with the development of what was intended as only a university project. At that time, Facebook began to change the world.
Networks as

trend since such platforms have been growing like wildfire and has established itself as a real trend. "Social networks are not a fashion , the networks have come to stay" as says Antoni Porras, author of "Net .. What? Networking for everyone."

"The networks do not stop being a forum for communication and shared relationship that has become a social trend and market," according to Antonio Pastor, head teacher of the course "Social Networking" Center de Estudios Financieros (CEF).

However, this new 'lifestyle' not only brings advantages. Social networks have managed to put in more than one occasion in the spotlight by some controversial issues such as privacy of users. Community

manager, a booming profession
In this new scenario, companies are beginning to become aware of the need to be 'networked'. Thus, as increasingly, companies are adding to their staff the figure of 'community manager'.

"Networks has established itself as a social trend and market"
This new professional profile " is the mouth and eyes of the company the network, "according to Porras which states that" in addition to technological knowledge and skills should be able to communicate and listen "on the Internet.

" There must be something more than a voice, must be part of the community to interpret and returned to the company what it is saying it, "according to Marc Vidal, director of the graduate program at the University of Barcelona" Community and Social Media manager.
Education and training in Social Media Therefore

are many institutions and universities have already incorporated into their curricula courses to train future 'community responsibility'.
The Universitat Pompeu Fabra , Pablo Olavide , of Barcelona , the Center for Financial ... all offer similar content, and all have the same answer. "The courses are still a boom . We have a waiting list, which shows the level of expectation and interest that exists", as explained from the CEF.

Nevertheless, the road ahead is in the world of social networking is still long. "Yet no one is realizing the full potential offered by these platforms. Some companies are betting on the full use of the network but in general is being discovered now. "We will have to be aware of the future, simply do not stop being in the world.

Source: http://www.telecinco.es/informativos/tecnologia/noticia/100031500/2010+el+ano+de+la+madurez+de+las+redes+sociales

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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'Management' pocket for Christmas

Depending on whom you ask this question will receive one or another answer. There are people who started their business online, your blog, your website, and quickly took to Twitter or Facebook, or both at once, hoping to see grow their objectives rapidly. Over time, the hours lost trying to establish contacts, exchange information and many, however, something does not work properly.

Others with the same enthusiasm, undertaken the same way and, in almost two days, as they say, have positioned their business and enjoy a prestige online coveted by others who do not follow the same path. Why is this?, Like everything in life, depending on how you establish the foundation of any goal, we get results. Any company, whether an animal feed mill, as a personal blog, a website with a system of e-commerce or web page a law firm, has a goal, and this goal must be traced through its own strategy.

The strategy refers to the plan of action, the way you want to run their business to be known and positioned in the market, both potential customers and competition. When you start your career in social networks should clearly define who you are, what you do, such as your services, contact form, etc. .., provide as much information as possible to receive visitors or regular level commensurate your real goals. Many people enter data "core" such as a link to your web hosting and four words to describe your product or service, and thus do not show the necessary information to any interested visitor to fetch.

network at any time spent on it is not as important as the fact really communicate by sending clear and strong message of our business. Besides this, we must constantly upgrade the networks any changes we make on our website or business, so any content can be captured at some point, by a person affected by this new information. Also, the best is to start with contacts that may be, at first, visitors or potential customers of our goal.

Although, really, anyone can be interested in our activity, directed, initially, to a point more suitable for us to ensure visitors interested in what we do and uninvited onlookers. Set your own pace. Although it is good to pay attention to how they develop other brands, that dynamic can you not work for you. Some of the contents of your page do not need a constant presence, to be permanently connected, what will make you lose your concentration and productivity. A news website, of course, must always remain present in any network, to report accurately, and exclusive of any event, but we probably do not have to delay more than necessary a timely fashion.

That may be the cause of much exhaustion and lack of interest after a while and see that it yields a result proportional to the presence dedicated to social networks. Many websites do not need constant updates, it is the case of a professional website, for example, which consist only your contact information, some biographical notes and reviews of their work. In this case, apart from the Web, you may need a blog, a place of constant and frequent updating, by which themselves can arouse interest and generate traffic that are in the best performance and generate benefits of some kind.

Obviously, people who conform to a website is not updated is unlikely to bring something that is new and interesting, spend some time and discourages thinking that the "fault" is Twitter. Finally, forget about magic formulas, marketing gurus and fool-proof strategies. There is no one way to find success online. Social networks, coupled with a good personal or business strategy, a clear objective, a good knowledge of marketing in general, a good deal of service will, patience and ability to observe others to learn as much as possible methods that can be applied to redirect and define our objectives become the best techniques to achieve a decent success, grow gradually and steadily.

AUTHOR: Nuria Sánchez
SOURCE: http://www.iniziar.net/blog/% C2% BFson-really-useful-the-social-networks-for-our-business-online . html