If you really want to earn real income online, you need to create your own web business, starting first by train you, and be willing to invest time, money and effort.
The great advantage now is that starting a web business does not cost more than the cost of a conventional business outside the Internet. You can start your own web business by investing only between 200 and 800 dollars, so if you're willing to do much of the work yourself.
Another interesting benefit of having your own web business is that you can automate almost 100%, allowing a freedom and time savings, which otherwise so would be impossible. Having your web business running on autopilot, give you more time with your family, you will generate multiple entries, and save yourself many headaches.
Today I want to answer the question: What
basic steps need to do to create my own Internet business?
You can buy many books and pay hundreds of dollars on experts and consultants to give you an answer to this question. But today I want to answer, giving these 10 steps to guide you in creating your own web business.
Step 1 - Essential. Buy your own Internet domain name (Your own. Com,. Net,. Info.)
Your domain is where your potential customers come to you, and you identified. If you have a domain name itself will be very difficult for visitors and potential customers who enter your web page design take you seriously in your online business, and is unlikely to come to buy something.
Your domain name must be easy to remember and a name must be consistent with your business activities. It would be logical that your site is called www.perrosygatosonline.com and when people enter your site are you selling cosmetics or nutrition.
is also vital that your domain is hosted on a good Web Hosting , that gives you everything you need for your business website is always online. The hosting is basically the storage of all files, emails, pages and data you'll use for your domain name or site.
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Related Sources:
Internet Business Models
INTRODUCTION The Internet has allowed the emergence of companies whose development has only made possible by the new possibilities provided by the network. Several
authors have analyzed the Internet business models (Michael Rappa, Scott Moore, group CHASM, Paul Timmers, ...) and some of them (Timmers) makes from the degree of integration and the degree of innovation .
The degree of integration refers to the use of ICT can be integrated into a new activity, some features of the traditional value chain of the product or service.
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