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The press release was also quoted in the paper edition Journal of Cordoba Day edition of Friday October 16, 2009.
The full text of the press release was sent to all media is the following:
"The Pedestrian Association Cordoba A Pata appreciates the philosophy of parking plan that is designed Vimcorsa as presents solutions to problems directly affecting passers as illegal parking on sidewalks, and pedestrian areas, and affects mobility model more favorable to the journeys that are made by foot, bicycle or public transport.
A Leg, by reference to the 500 km. linear Curb occupied, according to the plan, surface parking, quantified in more 1 million square meters in space for the parking of vehicles Córdoba , which according to his spokesman, John Smith, " a problem of abuse and misuse of public space, which is charged at a high price for residential or commercial use, but offered to drivers at no cost, except in the limited areas blue. This public space will detract from other functions of the street, including those dedicated to the ranch, encounters, walking, or transportation by bicycle or bus . " Therefore, A Leg, proposing to establish throughout the city, as has been done in other places such as Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe proposed plan provided "zone green street or parking fee at affordable prices for neighbors, but penalizes movement which could be replaced by another made by sustainable means of transport. " We are at a moment when we realized that there to quantify the problems caused by the car. The occupation of public space is one of the main. The problem of parking in Cordoba is not missing seats, but too many cars, and we also think that the possession of these is associated with free space available to let in the street, which in the present circumstances of vehicle density becomes impossible. "
As to the position taken by traders, A Pata understands that the demands do not represent the bulk of traders in Córdoba, as "the highest percentage local trade draws neighbors' environment, which they want are not parking in rotation, but all persons, regardless of having a car, access to their shops, wider sidewalks, quiet to be able to travel and go window, or better accessibility for elderly or disabled, demands that are totally opposed to the model proposed by the traders in this case, based on access to its businesses in the private car. Clearly they are confusing weaknesses, strengths, threats and oportunides with shopping malls on the periphery, and we believe this is a mistake . A Pata states, yet its full support to the local trade model of closeness , which is helping to build more livable and cohesive neighborhoods, compared to the model of peripheral shopping centers that do nothing but increase the presence of vehicles in our city, largely responsible for the deterioration of the urban environment suffered by the city in recent years. "
The press release was also quoted in the paper edition Journal of Cordoba Day edition of Friday October 16, 2009.
The full text of the press release was sent to all media is the following:
"The Pedestrian Association Cordoba A Pata appreciates the philosophy of parking plan that is designed Vimcorsa as presents solutions to problems directly affecting passers as illegal parking on sidewalks, and pedestrian areas, and affects mobility model more favorable to the journeys that are made by foot, bicycle or public transport.
A Leg, by reference to the 500 km. linear Curb occupied, according to the plan, surface parking, quantified in more 1 million square meters in space for the parking of vehicles Córdoba , which according to his spokesman, John Smith, " a problem of abuse and misuse of public space, which is charged at a high price for residential or commercial use, but offered to drivers at no cost, except in the limited areas blue. This public space will detract from other functions of the street, including those dedicated to the ranch, encounters, walking, or transportation by bicycle or bus . " Therefore, A Leg, proposing to establish throughout the city, as has been done in other places such as Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe proposed plan provided "zone green street or parking fee at affordable prices for neighbors, but penalizes movement which could be replaced by another made by sustainable means of transport. " We are at a moment when we realized that there to quantify the problems caused by the car. The occupation of public space is one of the main. The problem of parking in Cordoba is not missing seats, but too many cars, and we also think that the possession of these is associated with free space available to let in the street, which in the present circumstances of vehicle density becomes impossible. "
As to the position taken by traders, A Pata understands that the demands do not represent the bulk of traders in Córdoba, as "the highest percentage local trade draws neighbors' environment, which they want are not parking in rotation, but all persons, regardless of having a car, access to their shops, wider sidewalks, quiet to be able to travel and go window, or better accessibility for elderly or disabled, demands that are totally opposed to the model proposed by the traders in this case, based on access to its businesses in the private car. Clearly they are confusing weaknesses, strengths, threats and oportunides with shopping malls on the periphery, and we believe this is a mistake . A Pata states, yet its full support to the local trade model of closeness , which is helping to build more livable and cohesive neighborhoods, compared to the model of peripheral shopping centers that do nothing but increase the presence of vehicles in our city, largely responsible for the deterioration of the urban environment suffered by the city in recent years. "
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